Pilot projekat "Jednaki" na temu rodne ravnopravnosti u okviru projekta „Iskorak“, realizovan je 2017. godine
Međunarodno volonterski kamp “Sredimo Brus“ u trajanju od deset dana, realizovan je 2015. godine
„Projektom Različiti smo, a isti“ održane su tri radionice u školama na teritoriji opštine Brus 2019. godine
Omladinski centar Brus osnovan je 30. 10. 2013. godine. Osnivači udruženja su prof. srpskog jezika Marija Aleksić, potpredsednica Marijana Stanisavljević i prof. razredne nastave Ana Vukajlović.
REGION: South Africa
Aga Khan Support
Raised: $1,110 / Goal: $500
REGION: South Africa
Asian Health Alliance
Raised: $1,110 / Goal: $500
REGION: South Africa
Cacao De Colombia
Raised: $1,110 / Goal: $500
REGION: South Africa
Root Capital Grows
Raised: $1,110 / Goal: $500
Give a Little. Change a Lot.
Recent Causes
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Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a amet mauris Mbi ipsuy veli Nam nec tellus Mbi Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt.
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Care About people to Transform
their lives & Innovation
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Refugees. Always.
Stand With The Banned
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Donation Raised
Give a Little. Change a Lot.